The effect of compound skill exercises according to the intense exercise on the motor performance of the skill of shooting from the focus and the speed characteristic of the arms of the hand reel


  • Assist. Lect. Ali Abdul-Hussain Kazem Zghair Al-Issawi



compound skill exercises, intense exercise, handball


The importance of the study lies in preparing skill exercises according to the intense exercise in the monopoly performance of the handball shooting skill, as well as identifying the impact of these exercises in improving the motor performance of the handball shooting skill, as well as developing the speed characteristic of the muscles of the arms, where it is considered one of the most photographic skill Which leads to an increase in the enthusiasm of the audience and the players, and the players who are able to shoot with high efficiency have great self-confidence.” Therefore, the researcher noticed a lack of use of modern exercises on the youth category, as well as the need to introduce the best jerky exercises in the researcher. To introduce complex skill exercises according to the method of intensive exercise to develop the skill of shooting in handball as well as to develop the speed characteristic of the muscles of the arms. At night and its discussion, it was found that there is an effect of the complex skill exercises according to the method of intensive exercise in developing the research variables between the two groups and for the benefit of the experimental group.

