The impact of mastery teaching strategy on learning some complex skills in football for students
mastery teaching, complex skillsAbstract
The effect of mastery teaching and its impact on learning complex skills in football among students. The research included four chapters; the first chapter contained the introduction of the research and its importance, addressing teaching methods that guide the teacher regarding the goals, methods, and steps that help in successfully teaching and educating students and complex skills in football, which are characterized by complex technical performance and depend on various factors and requirements for success. This has led to a significant interest in understanding teaching strategies, as this stage affects achieving outstanding performance. The problem of the research is that the performance of these skills poses difficulties for them, which manifests as errors in mastery performance, known as performance errors. Through the researcher’s experience and observation of teaching these skills in schools, a fluctuation in the performance level of some complex skills under study was noted. The research aimed to investigate the impact of mastery teaching on learning some complex skills in football for students. The sample of the research consisted of high school students, and specific tests were used to extract the results. The researcher concluded that reliance on mastery teaching helps in developing various complex skills in football for students.