The effect of compound exercises according to some biomechanical variables on some motor abilities and learning to perform the volley for squash juniors


  • Asst. Prof. Oday Mahdi Hadi College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Babylon, Iraq



Compound exercises, biomechanical variables, squash


Benefiting from compound exercises according to some biomechanical variables in the field of learning squash skills in order to develop junior performance, as this idea plays a major role in developing performance and controlling the motor paths of the skill and provides feedback to the player and coach that contributes to revealing the strengths and weaknesses in the athlete's performance mechanically in order to address errors and develop successful performance in terms of skill and body. The importance of the research lies in developing compound exercises according to some biomechanical variables that are compatible and consistent with the players' capabilities and abilities to develop some of the important motor abilities in the game of squash, which have an impact on raising the technical level of squash juniors.

The research problem lies in the fact that squash juniors in local tournaments and leagues avoid performing volleys when the opportunity arises, as this defect comes from the weakness of their motor abilities that have an impact on the performance of this skill and make them embarrassed to perform the attack and decide the point, this is due to the age of the junior, as he suffers from weakness in these abilities. The research aimed to prepare compound exercises according to some biomechanical variables to develop some motor abilities and the performance of the forehand and backhand volley for squash juniors. The researcher used compound exercises to develop the performance of the squash volley and many tests related to motor abilities, including motor coordination between the eye and (arm_leg) - agility - performance of the forehand and backhand volley in addition to some biomechanical variables. He concluded the following: -

1- Compound exercises played an effective role in developing the performance of the forehand and backhand volley skill for squash juniors. 2- Using biomechanical variables in controlling performance contributed to enhancing and developing the motor program, as well as saving time for the coach and player in developing agility, motor coordination, and the skill of the forehand and backhand volley for squash juniors in a good way, which is suitable for training this category of players.

