Achievement Motivation among Students of the Faculty of Sports Sciences at the University of Jordan


  • Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Bani Atta University of Jordan



Motivation, Achievement, Study Levels


The study aimed to identify the level of achievement motivation among students of the Faculty of Sports Sciences at the University of Jordan. The study sample consisted of 232 male and female students, which constitutes a representative percentage of the study community, reaching approximately 20%. The researcher studied three variables of motivation, where the first axis represented motivation at the physical, motor, psychological and academic levels, and the second variable was to identify the level of motivation according to the gender variable, male and female students, and the third variable was to identify the level of the academic year according to the academic year, first, second, third and fourth. For this purpose, the researcher used the descriptive approach to suit the nature of the study through a questionnaire that was designed and presented to experts and arbitrators in psychology. After taking their amendments in line with the objectives and questions of the study, this questionnaire was placed in an electronic link where it was distributed to students to obtain On their responses, in order to obtain the results of the study, These treatments showed a high level of students’ motivation in the first question, especially at the physical level, noting that the motor and academic levels were also high. As for the second question, the statistical treatments did not reveal statistically significant differences in the gender variable, male and female students. In the third question, statistically significant differences also did not appear according to the variable of the academic year: first, second, third, and fourth. After reviewing these statistical ratios, the researcher reached some conclusions, the most important of which is that the level of achievement motivation among students of the Faculty of Sports Sciences at the University of Jordan in the physical, motor, psychological, and academic axis was high, and there was no motivation among students according to the gender variable. This also applies to the lack of fundamental differences among students of the Faculty of Sports Sciences at the University of Jordan according to the variable of the academic year. The researcher recommends adding new courses, especially those related to sports psychology. To the college plan curriculum in order to raise the level of motivation among students based on study variables and develop college courses from the first academic year to the last to motivate students as they progress from one year to the next and increase their experience.

