The persecuting thinking and its effect on the behavioral opportunism of young players in basketball


  • RIYAM MAGED GBAAR College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Al-Qasim Green University, Babylon, Iraq



oppressive thinking, behavioral opportunism, basketball


The research aimed to identify the level of persecutory thinking among young basketball players, and to identify the level of behavioral opportunism among young basketball players, and to identify the relationship, contribution, and impact of persecutory thinking to behavioral opportunism among young basketball players. The research hypothesis was that there is a significant correlation, contribution, and impact to the results of the scale. Mental fitness with the results of the positive thinking scale among the research sample, and the descriptive approach was adopted in the style of correlation relationships, and the boundaries of the community were represented by youth basketball players from Baghdad capital clubs who are continuing their training for the sports season (2023/2024), numbering (84) players, and they are naturally distributed among (7). ) clubs, They were deliberately chosen in a comprehensive inventory method by (100 %), including (5) players randomly for the exploratory sample by (5.952 %) of the community of origin, and (40) players were chosen randomly for the building sample by (47.619 %) of the origin society, and the remaining (39) players (46.429 %) of the original society, were chosen for the main application sample, as the researcher built two scales of the type of paper and the pen to measure each of the two phenomena researchers according to systematic procedures and statistical treatments, and after completing their construction, the researcher deliberately conducting the survey by their mediation for the duration The time that extends from Tuesday, corresponding to the date (12/12/2023) until Thursday, corresponding to the date (1/4/2024) in the headquarters of the seven clubs under research, addressing the results (SPSS) to be with conclusions and recommendations that young players have a high level of basketball. From persecuting thinking and a high level of behavioral opportunism in the training and competitive environment, Increasing the level of persecutory thinking contributes to increasing the level of behavioral opportunism among young basketball players through a correlation whose gradual increase in both psychological phenomena negatively affects the nature of their collective game. It is necessary to pay attention to avoiding and reducing the phenomenon of persecutory thinking among basketball players and working to increase their sense of confidence towards. Training and competitive environments to avoid  behavioral opportunism in this team game that requires cooperation, love, credibility, and trust in dealing between young players.

