The effect of a physical rehabilitation program and Chinese acupuncture on lower back pain in butterfly swimmers
Chinese acupuncture, lower back pain, butterfly swimmingAbstract
The research aims to design a physical rehabilitation program and Chinese acupuncture and its effect on the electricity of the spinal muscles, reducing the intensity of pain, and improving the flexibility of the spine and the strength of the muscles of the lumbar region for butterfly swimmers. The experimental method was used for two experimental groups through pre- and post-measurement to suit the nature of the research. It included (8) advanced butterfly swimmers with lower back pain, aged between (19-21) years. The sample was divided into two experimental groups, the first and the second group underwent the physical rehabilitation program, noting that the second group used Chinese acupuncture with the physical rehabilitation program in order to achieve the goal of the study. The results of the research and the statistical processes used showed that, within the limits of the goal and hypothesis of the research, the following conclusions were reached, which are that the physical rehabilitation program and Chinese acupuncture have a greater effect than the physical rehabilitation program alone, which led to improvement in muscle electricity and reduction of pain. The researcher recommended using a physical rehabilitation program with Chinese acupuncture to improve the electrical activity of the back muscles, prevent lower back pain, and avoid feeling pain in the area of athletes’ injuries.