The effect of special exercises on the use of resistors on the explosive strength of the arms and the calcium percentage of the players of the Derbandikhan club with basketball


  • Prof. Dr. Sirwan Hamid Rafiq
  • Eng. Hassan AbdulKareem Rstam Khan


The importance of the research was demonstrated in developing the level of the Darbandikhan Sports Club players in basketball through the preparation of a special training curriculum as an aid in the training process that may give a positive effect on the physical variables and raise the athlete’s functional and skillful competence in accordance with the peaceful scientific foundations and the results of this study.

The objectives of the research were: To prepare a training curriculum for the use of resistors and to identify their effect on the explosive strength of the arms and the calcium ratio of the players of the Darbandikhan Sports Club with basketball.

The most important conclusions: The training for the use of resistors according to energy systems based on time has proven its worth in developing some physical and skill variables and the ratio of the most important salts of basketball players.

It was recommended to: Use resistance training as a means of training or as a complement to the training process to contribute to the development of physical and skill variables in the game of basketball for both sexes.

