Dynamic tactical exercises to develop some collective defense strategies against the ball carrier for players aged (16-17) years


  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Sajjad Hussein Nasser جامعة بابل . كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة




dynamic tactics exercises, collective defense strategies, basketball


search target to

1-Preparing dynamic lactic exercises for basketball youth.

2-Recognizing the effect of dynamic tactical exercises to develop some collective defense strategies against the ball carrier for players aged (16-17) years.

    The researcher relied on the experimental approach by designing "equivalent groups" because it fits with the nature of the studied problem. The sample included (12). Then, the researcher divided the sample randomly into two groups: control (6) players and experimental groups (6) players. One of the most important conclusions

1-Interest in training collective defense strategies (the ball in front of the basket on the three-point line, the ball next to the basket on the three-point line, the ball in the bottom corner and on the three-point line, the ball on the free-throw line) and

2-The use of dynamic tactical exercises in this study by basketball coaches, due to its positive impact on the development of collective defense strategies (the ball in front of the basket on the three-point line, the ball next to the basket on the three-point line, the ball in the bottom corner and on the three-point line, the ball on free throw line)

